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RCSJ Las Vias Students Discuss the Importance of Hispanic Heritage Month

​Rowan College of South Jersey’s (RCSJ) Cumberland campus commemorated Hispanic Heritage Month, from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, with a series of all-inclusive special events for students, faculty and staff to enjoy. Some of those events included Noche de Juegos (Game Night) and Si Se Puede ​(Overcoming Barriers). Hispanic Heritage Month celebratory activities were put together by Las Vias, STEM Pathways and Adelante Juntos. RCSJ, a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI), receives grant funding from the National Science Foundation to support these programs. ​​Sophomore Karina Bravo and freshman Adnily Pereira, two students in RCSJ’s Las Vias program, volunteered to express their thoughts regarding the relevance of Hispanic Heritage Month.

“I am proud to say that I am Hispanic,” said Bravo, 19, a Social Services major at the College. “It’s amazing that we have a month to discover and honor those who went through life struggles and did everything [they could do to prosper]. That just because of their skin color doesn’t mean they weren’t able to accomplish their goals in life.”

Read about RCSJ's all-inclusive special events by clicking here!

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